Issue & Chronicles

Or rather Société Anonyme Rackzine.
Our monthly editorial dedicated to the news that revolve around the brand and the boutique Société Anonyme.
The new collaborations, the upcoming projects, the brands and our favorite looks collected in a container with a minimal Japanese style and eclectic themes, transversal, unconventional and - we hope - interesting and stimulating.

Société Anonyme Magazine Issue 10. "For Wise DanceFloors Only. A little chat with DE RIO."
11/17/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Société Anonyme Magazine Issue 10. "For Wise DanceFloors Only. A little chat with DE RIO."

Between a few beers and improvised jam, we had a chat in our store with the founders and the resident djs of DE RIO - collective and independent record label based in Firenze.

Société Anonyme Magazine Issue 9. "Across the Scandinavian Fashion. Minimalism and the Scandi Style".
11/04/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Société Anonyme Magazine Issue 9. "Across the Scandinavian Fashion. Minimalism and the Scandi Style".

In this Issue 9 we will talk about the Scandi style, a cool hybrid style in which the strong minimalist tradition, contemporary trends and a vision of the fashion industry that is highly sustainable, come together in a unique language that is incredibly recognizable and not very replicable.

Unplugged, Societè Anonyme, Issue 8
08/18/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Unplugged, Societè Anonyme, Issue 8

The theme of this Issue 8 is "disconnection".

We thought that there is no better time than the month of August to try to disconnect and relax ... at least for a little while.

Firenze Summer Breeze, Societè Anonyme Magazine, Issue 7
08/13/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Firenze Summer Breeze, Societè Anonyme Magazine, Issue 7

We have chosen three different Florentine locations with different atmospheres and tried to tell them essence immortalizing what characterizes them most.

Pitti faces: Société Anonyme Magazine Issue 6
08/11/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Pitti faces: Société Anonyme Magazine Issue 6

Faces Behind Pitti. People, stories, experiences behind the limelight of Pitti.

Freewheelers: Société Anonyme Magazine, Issue 5
08/11/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Freewheelers: Société Anonyme Magazine, Issue 5

In our multifaceted reality, the most expensive is the one linked to the world of Skate, it has always been since Societè Anonyme exists.

Sky High Farm: Société Anonyme Magazine, Issue 4
08/11/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Sky High Farm: Société Anonyme Magazine, Issue 4

We dedicate this issue of our Mag to a new entry in the Société Anonyme World: Sky High Farm.

Denim Family: Société Anonyme, Issue 3
07/02/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Denim Family: Société Anonyme, Issue 3

On this third issue we talk about the modern reinterpretation - signed Levi's® Made & Crafted® - of the Denim Family Collection launched during the 50s.

Société Anonyme Magazine, Issue 2
02/14/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Société Anonyme Magazine, Issue 2

This second issue is a retrospection on Maison Margiela - a brand we view as one of the most poignant, gennuine, pioneer and certainly Dada.

Société Anonyme Rackzine, Issue 1
01/16/2022 | Issue & Chronicles
Société Anonyme Rackzine, Issue 1

This is a new project. Once a month we will present to you new collecions, new collaborations or new upcoming projects that orbit around our company.

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